An appeals court in California has ruled that Amazon CAN be held liable for defective goods sold on its marketplace by third party sellers. This is certainly a move in the right direction for consumer safety as well. We all want to know the products we bring into our home are safe for our family to use.
An appeals court in California has ruled that Amazon CAN be held liable for defective goods sold on its marketplace by third party sellers. This is certainly a move in the right direction for consumer safety as well. We all want to know the products we bring into our home are safe for our family to use.
Our thanks to Jungle Scout for including Well Insurance as a trusted resource for Amazon and eCommerce sellers in their recent blog post regarding the importance of liability insurance for Amazon. This is a conversation that is long overdue, and we are happy to see this issue getting the attention it deserves.
“You may be thinking, “Well if anything goes wrong Amazon has my back, right?â€
Wrong. Amazon does not want the responsibility and it is up to you, as a business owner and Amazon seller, to have the proper insurance.”
We expect some changes will happen quickly at Amazon. The first being proof of liability insurance with Amazon listed as an additional insured being required to keep selling not just “when asked†to prove insurance.
It is critical that all professional sellers get a policy in place now before your account is suspended for not being in compliance with Amazon Terms of Service.  We are happy to discuss your unique business needs and advise on the liabilities and risks you may need to cover.
Amazon does not have your back, but we do.
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