Amazon Enforcing their Own Terms of Service – Now Requiring Proof of Liability Insurance
Amazon.com has always had an insurance requirement in the Terms of Service Agreement, but it’s never been enforced. This requirement is now being enforced, or face suspension from the platform. If you are a Pro Seller with three consecutive months of $10,000 or more in sales, you are now required to provide Amazon.com a Certificate of Insuranc
This Certificate must include:
Policy limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate, must include Products Liability (products and completed operations)
Amazon.com must be listed as an Additional Named Insured –
Amazon.com Inc, Its Affiliates and Assignees Are Additional Insureds
As Their Interest May Appear
PO Box 81225
Seattle, WA 98108
The policyholder name must match the name of the “legal entity” provided to Amazon.
Provide a Certificate of Insurance showing the above coverages to [email protected]
How do I get this insurance?
You need to speak with an agent that specializes in eCommerce insurance and knows how your business operates, how you source your products, and knows the difference in fba and fbm. To get a quote to keep your eCommerce business protected from lawsuits and also stay compliant with Amazon TOS. Click here to get a quote: https://www.well-insurance.com/general_liability/